Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer in Seven

Summer school ended this past Thursday and, like I mentioned before, I have a whole...wait for it...week off before the new school year starts up again!

Why so soon you ask?

My school operates on a "balanced" scheduling system. A shorter summer break means more frequent breaks throughout the year--two weeks in October, three weeks in December, and two weeks in the spring. It's meant to help eliminate the dreaded "summer gap" in students' learning.

Technically, I have eight week days and two weekends, but since that only encompasses one full Monday through Friday rotation, it's a week to me.

What will I do with all of my leisure time you ask? Well, I have a few (make that seven) things I would like to accomplish. They are, in no particular order:

1. Finish reading The Help. One of the few "adult" books I have attempted to read in a long time. It is excellent. I love it. While it's probably not one for my school library, it's so good that it might have to be my second Book Spotlight feature. After the first one is complete, of course (see #2).

2. Finish writing my first Book Spotlight review. I read the book. I liked the book. But I am having a hard time writing about why I liked the book. It's been forever, I know, and I'll get right on it.

3. Clean the mascara gunk off of my eyelash curler. Something so simple, yet I never seem to actually get around to doing.

4. Spend some quality time with my own children. Yes, I am also a mommy. I have two young and very adorable boys. I'm thinking a couple of days playing hooky from daycare and going to the zoo and/or kiddie amusement park is long overdue.

Yes, I noticed cleaning mascara gunk received top billing over spending time with my kids. I did say these were in no particular order didn't I?

5. Bake something ridiculously sweet, chocolaty, and over-the-top delicious that I shouldn't be eating.

6. Go running at least four times this Monday-Friday week. I usually try and shoot for at least twice during the weeks that I'm working. But I figure I should up the ante (see #5).

7. Do some online browsing free of access filters and heavy on shopping and celebrity gossip.



But isn't life all about the little victories?

At least for me, for this one summer week, it is.